We do not need to make any horror films in India - all we need to do, is place a movie camera next to every road- building activity going on in Mumbai.
Is this a joke? By no means - on Monday 6th October night, the 27-yr son of a very dear friend, was killed on the Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road, because a rashly-driven truck rammed into him on his motorcycle.
Yes, he was wearing a helmet but it could not save him from the curse of having irresponsible people running our country and illiterate killers running amuck on our roads.
You think I am exaggerating, I think not. The Villains of these real-life horror movies
1) The Driving School Instructors who teach these killers to drive
2) The RTO Officials who grant licenses - even multiple licenses, to not only people who cannot drive but even those, who are not literate and sensible enough, to read and follow sign boards and traffic rules and regulations.
3) The owners of all trucks, tempos and cars who keep their vehicles in bad enough condition so their headlights/tail-lights are not working: the vehicles break down and/or the brakes fail and kill innocent people.
4) All those rash and thoughtless drivers who carelessly break all traffic rules, because they know their only punishment is going to be a Rs. 20 or Rs.50 fine? And the Traffic Police who let off these murderers on the roads, with a wink and a warmed palm.
5) MMRDA - The offical road development authority who allows contracts / sub-contracts to be given to questionable contractors with the LOWEST (?) TENDER (under the express orders of powerful politicians) whose first calculations are towards how much public money they can embezzle from this project.
*Heroes in our Indian horror films - Tragically, there are no heroes, only MARTYRS.
Because they have been killed on these roads.*
Wake up all you despicable people responsible for these deaths. Your roads are death traps for the citizens of our city and state and country. Your lenient attitude to traffic-rule violators and shoddy road contractors, is allowing more and more killers to be let loose on our roads.
How much more blood-shed is going to appease your hunger for money ?
1) How many more lives will need to be sacrified, before the authorities start imposing strictly, the QUALITY STIPULATIONS AND FIXED TIME FRAME, for completion of roads and other projects?*
2) When will trucks with iron rods sticking out, be considered a hazard to life ?
3) When will contractors stop, leaving behind uncovered man-holes, pits and debris on the roads?
4) When will trucks/tempos use only the left-most lane, on express ways and multi-lane highways, because that is the only lane they are supposed to use?
5) When will our politicians stop demanding a profit share in every development activity in our country?
6) When will road contractors build good roads first and then worry about their profits?
7) When will the RTO stop unleashing killers on our roads?
Stop handing out licenses like alms. Take away the licenses of the serious offenders - ban them from ever driving again. Do your job sincerely please ! Lives are at stake here !
8) When will the government start paying our policemen and traffic policemen the salaries they deserve, in order to do their jobs well, rather than the peanuts that are thrown at them , tempting them to supplement their income ?
Why do our politicians and bureaucrats not realise that when these law enforcers are paid well, no law-breaker will be able to buy their silence. **If each corrupt politician foregoes even a TINY percentage of the money he makes on the side, and donates it to the policemens salary fund, that fund will be one of the richest in our country.
Each of these horror films, are played out on our roads every day, and they all have tragic endings.
Precious lives are lost - sons, daughters, fathers, brothers, sisters and mothers who will never come home, because their life was put in the hands of people, for whom money is more important than life itself .
How do our authorities sleep peacefully in their beds every night, while our streets are awash with the blood of innocent people ?