The most important thing, one need to counter acne is patience, which most of us dont have. Well self medication should never be done coz the matter could go even worse but still I want to share the treattment which I went through and trust me it did wonders for me, touch wood.
Well I tried almost everything, from fresh fruits to exercise to some herbal treatment but all in vain. Eventually an aunt of mine suggested me Texara, Acnesol, A-ret get and sternoin. Ok dont get confused I will come to each drug one by one.
Acnesol can be applied on face after washing ur face with a medicated soap or some mild soap.It prevents the proliferation of bacteria.U can even go out with acnesol on.
Texara can be applied on face at night after washing the face and patting it dry. Apply it for 2 min and then again wash it off.
Finally a paste of A ret and sternoin in the ratio 1:1 and can be applied on marks, leave it for a night. You will find that with the passage of time the intensity of marks has subsidized but make sure that u do not overuse it coz it might cause peeling of skin .
In a matter of months the condition will improve but still I want to lay stress on the fact that dont self medicate. Do consult the dermatologist before you try these drugs.