I am highly disappointed with the way this website functions.
No feedbck/ Revert on mails
Nobody picks the Customer support number
Processing takes forever and one is even not intimated about the processing.
I had Placed an Order on the 6th October 2012 for a Fossil Watch an order of Rs 11, 743 via credit card (HDFC). And Rs 11, 743 is not a small amount, and besides that It was a birthday gift for my husband. (Now a belated one) They ruined all my plans.
I had trusted the Mouthshut review but naah... seems they were all fake. Today is the16th no news whatsoever... They are a pack of liars posting fake positive review... think twice before placing an order.
Still wondering if I will ever receive the product. And did anyone really receive anything from them?They are anything but professionals. Customer care mobile numbers switched off or ringing and on mail an auto generated reply.
The worst experience on Internet shopping so far.