A plausible plot, a sensible character, a flawless storyline and impeccable acting, if this is the expectation, then please leave it at home. Six packs, eight packs or ten packs, the actors have given away to acting and muscles are playing potent role. I expected a lot from the movie but came back a lot disappointed.
Apart from the two popular songs; it seemed that all the songs were dubbed from the Tamil version that had rubbish lyrics and wordings. The songs were not even crafted into the plot. As soon as there was some context to the dialogue, there were abrupt songs in between. As if this was not enough, Allu Arvind should understand that audience are not dumb, they are intelligent and accept only logical things. Let me start counting the loop holes
If the protagonist was so rich, why did he not hire anyone to kill the villain? Why did he not get treated for his loss of memory? Why did he not carry any weapons to kill people? If he had money, why did he not install electronic gadgets to make life easier?
Asin acted well, she was good in a dumb role, not recognizing a man wearing Omega, DKNY or Rado everyday, she was oblivious, and convinced that Amir has to be poor. The villain like any hindi masala movie was perpetuated to assault. He was convincing and at the end, audience wanted him to die.
Director, the story writers were forgetting one basic point, we are in an electronic age, where media and internet play an important role in a common man’s life. If Asin was lying, and if Sanjay Singhania was the next generation man, don’t we want to know who is the rich man with whom the actress was linked. The entire article in a masala magazine was not enough to cox the heroine to research on the great man.
I was convinced that these are just actors, who have no guts to face reality. They can beat up hundred men on the screen but when the terrorist strike the country, they sleep with gun besides their pillow.