Well, Im not the kind of guy whos a stickler for the quality of food, but I do belong to the species, members of which believe in having edible food, which has become something of a rarity these days, when you exclude the high profile joints. And to my pleasant surprise, I discovered this ‘Ghar ka Khana’ food chain which at least believes in dishing out comestibles to its customers, which is why I believe it deserves a mention on Mouthshut.
Environment and Area:
It’s basically a food chain in the ‘mess mould’, a creation of Trident Hospitality Services Ltd. Theres not much to the apperance really, at least not the one I frequent, being the B.T.M. Layout Second Stage branch Im talking about. Its a normal building like any other in the location, situated a little to the right on CitiBanks rear. ‘Ghar Ka Khana’ it says on the banner hanging on the building, in a bold shade of black, beleaguered by lines in orange, boding a semblance of pride in the statement and although I generally find such captions about products mostly far fetched, I must say the pride is justified here. Seats are available on 3 floors and the building being a normal one doesn’t stand out as something out of the ordinary, which is exactly what it set out to achieve, giving you the average home like , ”Ghar Ka “ milieu.
1.Real Edible Food: I’m the type of person who doesn’t go out for fancy meals on a regular basis and if you fall into my category, youll be so relieved after all the food poisoning, constipation and what not you have suffered after your experiences with other low profile joints that youll surely embrace this one with both arms. And believe me, "Daba ke to khaoge!" That is the degree of relief one feels, pushing your tummy to the limits of its elasticity after your less than satisfactory experiences with other average restaurants. It really gives you the feeling of eating home cooked food, the dearth of which for people like me always away from home, is all too apparent!
2.Variety: We have 5 different kind of vegetable preparations, it changing everyday to go with a helping of papad, some fried pakode, curd/malai kofta/raita and a variable sweet dish. We have the regular rotis which don’t crack like a papad itself for a change, and some puri or paratha to go with it.
3.Satisfying Quantity: Well, the best thing about them is the unlimited quantity, meaning unlimited in the real sense. After some time they won’t come out and say it’s over or frustrate you by dallying urging you to call it a day as far as your meal is concerned. They really mean it – UNLIMITED!. ;) . Well, almost! Actually, fact of the matter is they never bite off more than they can chew – never sell more coupons than the number of people they can feed adequately, and the people having meals there will be full rest assured.
4.Prompt Service: I mean it - these guys are fast, doesn’t matter if they have to carry the food to the second floor or not, the moment you finish an item someone will be there to serve you the next helping be it any item. They won’t leave you until you’re done and start going - BURRRRP! “Pet Bhar gaya, par man nahin bhara bachchoo!”(Better avoid such gaffes though!)
5.Value for money: Yes, right! No cheats here saying something, giving you something else! What you paid for is what you get as far as the quality is concerned, with all possible supplementaries of an average meal with more than potable water and all of this for a mere Rs. 45. That is what makes this cute little place special for me!
1. Messy sometimes: Although you get the home like environment, it’s not some utopic place and the situation can get messy on occasions with all the hubbub.
2.Crowded: Well, everyone wants value for money and when you actually get that somewhere, big crowds will never be far behind. Gets really serried and congested at the time of the big crowds.
3.Rare occasions of ‘fortune not favoring the brave’: Well, there are occasions although it doesn’t happen often that you buy coupons and they later realize food is not adequate to feed the ‘late latifs’ and hence they have to use the coupons on alternative days.
4.‘Avoid the tissues’: That’s right, the tissue paper is no good, in fact it’s a disgrace to tissue papers itself, “Tissue paper ke naam pe kalank” would be the best way to put it. I mean you use it to supposedly wipe of the remaining goo and wetness and it gets torn apart sticking in places, obdurate of its stand on not letting go of your hands. A battle you’d rather not invite!
Related Website: https://gharkakhana.net– where one can check out what’s cooking for the day and also leave suggestions regarding room for improvement, always a more than welcome gesture.
All in all, if you are in a mood to ‘devour’ genuinely good food like a madman and are not too worried about the degree of glamour and ambience associated with the place, the style and stuff like that …. Like I tend to feel after a frustrating day or an eventful one, this is the place for you. Tease your tastebuds, enjoy nice food, eat to your heart’s content and believe me you are the winner in the deal by a long way!