Oh my God. A small kid can boo and scare me.
Man this is one of the all time moronic horror movie I have ever seen.The directors must dig real deep to sink this low.
The actors, presumably must have been paid a criminally large amount of money for such uninspired, lazy work.Horror movies are intended to be scary, but this basic rule seems to have eluded our Mr.Director and his team.
Here goes the stupid story. You have a ship, youve got one of those frightening little girls with a pale face and you have another unique way of mass killing(this appealed to me though :) ). It occurs early in the movie , where a few dozen people are literally cut in half by a taut, thin steel cable that breaks loose. Its a gory scene.
And to tell you the truth if you see the movie you can only remember the first 5 minutes of the movie and forget the rest which precisely what has happened to me. A perfect act of unsurgical lobotomy. Enjoy at your own risk.