Hello Every One!
I am using Oral - B Exceed Tooth Brush since last many years and I am quiet pleased with the quality and services which I have been getting by using this product. Recently I had purchased 4 Oral-B Exceed Tooth Brush from local medical store.
One tooth brush has manufacturing defect and I had contacted Oral – B parent company (Procter & Gamble, USA). They were kind enough to reply immediately but told that they are helpless in helping me since they do not directly operate in India. I also tried to contact the Importer (M/s. Gillette India Ltd., SPA - 65A, Bhiwadi Industrial Area, Bhiwadi : 301 019. Dist. Alwar. Rajasthan) but so far I am not able to get any reply.
If You can pass this message to M/s. Gillette India Ltd., please do so!
Otherwise I am quiet satisfied with this product.
With warm regards,