The man with the bleeding chin. Thats room mates called me after my weekly shave. Yes! I come into the category of that indian male that Gillette surveyed. The one for whom this product was developed after God knows how many millions of rupees. They did a big lauch, they got the price right, they got the HYPE perfect. I was compeletely taken in. I am actually a great evangelist of the Gillette range of products. So, the disappointment and negative feelings toward the company are higher. I own the Sensor Excel - great product brilliant shave. Then I experienced the Mach 3 even better, I was in heaven, smooth cheeks, many kisses later I felt like a stud and was ever thankful to the company. I even went to the extent of writing out a report on their ad campaign that would boost their national sales. BUT, the cost of two blases was just tooo much for my genetically engarined indian mentaility (toward shaving: save money). The cost of the VECTOR razor plus two blades was Rs. 87, the cost of two mach 3 blades Rs 153. The I wlaked into Crossroads and just bought it thinking how bad can it be??? What ensured was history repeating itself, The Bloodbath of Anand Rao. The blade is too light, no balance. The Blade attachement is crude and clunky. There is a flexible neck to the razor which is not smooth so it jerks as you shave. Cutting badly. The blade looked fine and worked when the hair was more than a stuble. For the close shave the blade revealled its design flaw. Its position of the scrapper, the blade, and the blue soapy strip is compeletly wrong. The scrapper bumps the skin so the blade never touches the skin smoothly. The blue strip is suppoed to apply some soapy substance to the chin during the shaving. This doe snot happen because of the jerkey swivel of the blade neck. The test of any shaving system is my chin, not the cheeks, not the neck but the bumpy chin. After the shave it was all bloody. My grouse is that with such brilliant technology at their disposal such as Mach 3 they could not get this right. This is just another case of MNC dumps shitty product for unsuspecting Indian customers who have very little recourse in any consumer court. Simply it is MNC negligencea and complacency.