Except Dharanis first movie Dhill which had some story value, Dharanis Dhool and the latest Gilli are straight out of the masala mill.
When I walked into the packed hall, I decided not to expect any logic.
If you know you are going to watch a crap and prepared for the event, you will
definitely enjoy. I enjoyed.
When the film opens with head covered Vijay running with that bgm score, I expected the movie is going to be good.
The very casual jokes which were part of the story line (if any) bring lighter moment’s btwn the fast paced camera play. Vijay is always at best when delivering timing comedy. This movie spares us from regular vivek and vadivel jokes. Veetukku Vasthu Sariyillai is a good joke and tells us innocent moms are still out there.
Prakash Raj is exceptional and he carries the movie to some extent. when he says I love you da.. to Trisha in that lusty tone, the theatre crowd goes mad.
We have to appreciate the thought and efforts of Dharani in defending his scenes, so that we wont question his logic loop holes. Trishas father put all her documents and certificates in a plastic cover and hands it over to her when she is set to run away from Prakash. He had such forethought, a guy will come and rescue her from waters. pullarikkathu ponga Dharani.
What fabulous gift a girl can give her lover knowing he is a player? Knee cap. Dharani, Kaluketeeyaa. Girls, please learn to give useful gifts if at all you have a habit of giving gifts!!! She wants to try Kara Poori and Vijay slaps her and the audience is so happy. Anybody will get angry if anybody does that stupid act.
And going to America will never be so easy. Dharani might have imagined the period of this movie to 2040 I guess. You get passport plus visa in 30 days. That will be everybodys delight. American Embassy! please wake up after this embarrassment and do something. Another movie running in theatres now, shows people standing in queue from the previous night to get their visa stamped. Reality!!!
Vijay drops Trisha at the airport just 30 minutes before the flight take off. She may be boarding some supersonic flight. And he already sent all her luck ages (she ran away with one Manja Pai and she lost that too in the waters) to the baggage clearance. I think it might have been delivered even before Trisha lands. When you decided not to see the logic, I dont understand why Dharani looked into such minor details and micro sequences of events.
But he leaves a universal black hole, when Vijay escapes from Prakash and truck load of his goons by playing Trisha as a trump card after all his escapades running from hills to valleys. And he was checked only one at one check post thats too at Madurais border.
I know as rumors, Thirumalai Naicker built Surangams from his fort to Teppakulam. Archeological dept should check the historical info revealed casually that there is an invisible road from Madurai to Chennai.
And there are few scenes which reminded me of watching a Tamil cinema and was surprised by my calculations on few scenes with one failed attempt. Its fun guessing and betting with friends whats next and you winning. When Vijay tells Trisha, hes got a surprise for her, I thought it would be her parents. I got 10 points. And I thought there is going to be a plane flying over the KABADI court. Hurray, Dharani didnt disappoint me. My heart came to stop momentarily. My Tamil Cinema. I got another 10 points.
I failed miserably when my imagination over worked further expecting Trisha to catch the glimpse of the match from a window seat. But she was there at the gallery. My friends were so kind. No negative marks for that.
I guess she took oath before coming to the ground that Vijay should not go home without any wounds. So she provokes prakash and make them fight. If any master of Varmakalai, sees this movie he will cry and fall at Dharanis feet.
I differ and give kudos to Dharani for showing Atma Bala of Vijay and telling the audience the message, it will break any sutra and viyugams. LOL. Heights of positive attitude, dude!!!
Not the least, Vijay falling in love with Trisha. After dropping her at airport, he starts his bike. And he calls Trishas name. In more than 2 hours movie runtime, Vijay was shown only once to take her in the bike thats too to the passport office. But he feels as if they have roamed the world. It may be a hangover of that Tata Sumo escapade from Madurai.
With few graphical errors, the computer graphics team was able to reproduce The Crouching Tiger and the Hidden Dragon jumps by Vijay. Thundering and Lightening effect in the background when they show Vijay’s nerves at prakashs varmam attempt is another highlight of this team. Great job guys! Ada... Ada...
Dharani knows the magic to tie the viewer to his seat till the last frame of the movie. With his brilliant imagination and thanks to Vidyasagar, the movie has Dappanguthhu songs which stimulates your hormones to get involved in the upbeat mood. He has convincingly used the game Kabadi, beach set, the lighthouse and the Vinayagar Chaturthi procession. Special thanks for not showing bloods, even though there was lot of scope. And its frightening too about the game and the profile of the players shown involved in the game. Hope it should not discourage the Kabadi rasigas.
Kadhula Poo is an overstated statment abt this movie. I felt like walking out of
Lalbagh Flower Garden when I left out of the hall. Poo illai Poonthottam.
Logic apart, We have to appreciate Dharani for giving a wonderful screenplay and action packed movie which keeps the audience at the edge for the whole movie.
All said, its entertaining. Who cares about the story?