I had bought an Armani Sunglasses from MACYS in US and was very excited to own one. It looks fashionable, nice & cool, ofcourse the brand is nice too. I am a fan of sungl;asses and I own few nice pairs and this is one of my favs too. It covers the eye well, gives you decent protection & clear visibility(if you want to know all that!). The only problem is its very tight, lol. Yeah, it may seem funny but I cant weear it comfortobly for long hours as it just grips my forehead and ear and even leaves marks there. I have other sunglasses which are cool too and they never do that(my best buy in sunglasses till now was a pair of Maimi Blues bought from Shoppers-Stop, I lost it).
My other problem with most of sunglasses is that the hadnle of teh sunglasses leave marks on teh glass when they are closed. I mean taht really sucks and should never happen. But it happens for most & is happening for this as well. My Tommy Hilfiger glasses & rayban have got spoiled tehs ame way(ecept a pair of Levis I have which is still fine). Manufacturer guys, do something.