Gladiator did make quite an impression on all hollywood fans like myself. Not only because it was one of the few epics to ever get even nominated for any kind of award, but also because for almost the whole crew of Gladiator, it was their first time nomination.
The last epic one would recall to have made an impact on hollywood would be Ben-Hur. It was quite a step that now-famous director Ridley Scott took, when undertaking the responsibilities of this film. Mel-Gibson, star of former epic Braveheart declined the role for Claudius Maximus saying he was too old. However Scott. made a very unlikley decision by choosing Russel Crowe. Crowe had not seen success on the box office. His last film L.A Confidential did make it there, but did not highlight him. Knowing the stakes of the film, being an epic, he put in a lot of efforts, not to mention a lot of physical injuries and undisputably good acting.
However, Tom Hanks, hollywoods favourite also made an incredible impact, he showed the world that he can play just about any role, from that of a soldier to that of a lawyer. From a Baseball manager to a Castaway. Castaway, though is not an original idea, however that does not concern Hanks. Hanks, two time academy award winner, and once recognized the most popular man in the world had done it again. The devolopment of primitive nature in a man (I have created fire) and his weary imagination due to isolation have combined to produce a strong effect of the struggle for survival. It was as though he was starting all over from 200 B.C. Also he made a lot of effort, he worked hard getting used to the enviorment in which a castaway normally lives in. He had to loose weight and grow a beard and a moustache, like Robinson Crusoe. Not to mention eat a crab without roastin it.
So I certainly wouldnt blame the judges if they had a rough time deciding who the winner should be. However, I feel Tom Hanks should have won the oscar. His role was isolated, and had to do the work, that normally depends upon a whole cast, to impress the audience single-handedly. And also did a pretty good job as well. Russel, though, I do not disagree that his perfomance was breathtaking too, had a whole cast and special effects crew behind him. His tension would certainly be more less than that of Hanks.
Tom Hanks, hence should have been the winner of the Oscar, however, he did win a golden globe award. So there you have it. But unfortunately, Russel Crow, whose movie Gladiator was released much before Hanks Castaway, took the award away. Id say it was quite a competition.