Hi there,
Great stuff man. Very scientifc, well researched and to the point.
We need more people like you here.
I have used Two tubes of Glister Toothpaste and I never found it better than the Colgate or Close up brand of toothpaste , in fact I found it lousy and had to brush again after 3 hours .
One thing about Glister I would like to add is that somebody (after giving out the elaborate costing) justified the cost price by insisting on using bare minimum quantity of glister. I just want him to know that the first thing we do after getting up from the bed is brush and I just can`t imagine myself counting in micrograms something as mundane as a toothpaste.
One thing you have to appreciate is the marketing strategy of Amway be it for glister or any other product and they really go for the kill. But the million dollor question is Can you fool all the people all the time?
dr. sajan