Glitter was the movie Mariah Carey was told she shouldnt have made!!!! Well I went out and bought this film on DVD......Critics were all wrong about this!!!!! When Glitter was to make its debut, we got side tracked by September 11th events, everything in the world was put on hold due to such a tragedy!
Glitter is about the same desires and experiences we all go through as people! Basically this plot is about a young girl whos mother lost custody of her due to a major drinking problem! Billie Frank ( played by Mariah Carey ) was a young gal who also had a talent like her mother, she was able to sing! Billie meets up with two other girls who become her life long best friends! Through out the movie, Billie is aching to see her mother again! In the meantime, Billie and her friends seek out for a singing career! Billie meets up with a couple of people, by the middle of this story, Billie grabs the spotlight, her two friends sort of just let her lead the way! Billie also falls in love with her partner and producer, Dice! This movie deals with racial issues, and dreams and hopes and destiny!! Over all Mariah Carey played off a really wonderful performance! Why did the critics slam on Glitter? Why did the soundtrack fail? I guess by the way of events at the time, 9/11 didnt give us much to really dream about and it was just bad timing! Had Mariah done a movie a little sooner, then we would have seen an oscar along with the many grammys she has won! Folks.....I highly suggest for you to rent this flick! If you are a major Mariah fan, and if you dont own Glitter, DO SO!!!!! Not only is this a great flick, and has a killer sound as far as the music goes, Mariah basically pulls off somewhat a mini bio here! Not all is true about Mariahs life, but it is has little hints of truth that Mariah herself can relate to! Mariah can act folks!!!!!!!! RENT GLITTER or BUY GLITTER!!!! Great story, great cast, great soundtrack!!!!! Glitter proves hopes and dreams do come true!