One must know few facts before joining Globacom.
1. USD salary is always delayed by 45 to 120 days.
2. Naira salary will be paid on month end without delay.
3. Naira salary will be taxed by 16%.
4. Official accommodation will be provided only to those whose salary is more than 120, 000 USD as well as one must be GM and above.
5. For others they will give you 10, 00, 000 Naira approx, for house lease and furnishing in which you can get an house approx 15 to 20 km away from office.
CAR can be provided only if you are joining as GM and above. Car will be 5+ year old and in semi bad condition.
Leave will be approved only after completion of year and in case you are taking before that, your salary will be deducted(deduction include including Saturday, Sunday & Holiday).
Getting a desktop PC or Laptop will be delayed by 30 to 270 days.
This place is good, if your aim is only and only – Money Money Money Money….
Call is yours – decide and do – All the best….