First off, before you read good reviews on this website, I think that all those reviews have been posted by globalconnect themselves or they have paid the mouthshut people and bought themselves some good reviews in return. So please think twice before you trust all those nice reviews about globalconnect.
People, please be aware of the these fake club and its people they are the biggest frauds with very rude and in-cooperative staff. They sell their membership to my parents by saying that they can book the best wedding halls in Pune whenever my parents would request. Now its the time we want a wedding hall, we wanted these people to book Maratha Mandir wedding hall one of the Punes most famous and well maintained wedding Hall. Also we requested them list of halls as the wedding is planned in day time and lawns are useless in our case. So, they started their tantrums by saying they cant book this hall or any other hall in Pune as they are now in process of renewal of their policies and they can book any hall or lawn of our choice from their list only prior one and half month which is impossible in case of wedding. Then they say that we should trust them and try their services first. We received list of hotels from these people after 15 days that too after having continuous follow ups and 1 fight with one of their employee. They shared list of lawns which dont have halls with capacity of~500 people. This was really pathetic and irritating as after telling them so many times and mentioning clearly in several emails that we are looking for wedding halls and not lawns they shared list of lawns with us. Most intolerable part comes now as Global Connect pays only for the hall and not for food, and none of the lawn persons can give you bifurcation of the lawn charges and food charges as they charge you with per person cost including food and other facilities. These Global Connect fake people are not ready to provide us the bifurcation of charges that is the amount Global Connect will pay and the amount well have to pay. Again they have very rude, insensitive and in-cooperative Manager named NEHA at Pune Office who was very arrogant and is incapable of handling a customer. God knows who designated her as a manager.
These people just want money from you. Once you paid thats done. You wont get any good service from them. These people dont have any process, business ethics, principals and morals. They are white collared thieves wanting money out of customers. They literally emotionally blackmailed my parents and convinced them to pay the charges which is really a big loss for us.