Global Head Hunt is a fraud agency which provides job offers which are fake. This is my earnest and sincere request to everybody, please do not get fooled, trapped or brainwashed by the sweet talk by any persons from Global Head Hunt.
The entire team of Global Head Hunt Jxx Pxxxxx, Rxxxx Txxxxxxx, Rxxxx Sxxxxx, Rxxx Sxxxxx, Dxxxxx, Vxxxx, Rxx, Sxxxxxx, Sxxxx Sxxxx, Rxxxx Txxxxxxx are gangsters, robbers, cheaters and fraudsters. These people do not have any human ethics, humanity or courtesy in them. Their prime motive is to cheat people by their sweet talk and to loot money. All your hard earned money will be extinguished if you get trapped or brainwashed by any of the above persons from Global Head Hunt.
All your correspondence, time and energy in follow ups for refund of your money will only be wasted and be futile but not a single penny or amount will be refunded to you. It is out of my personal experience.
All those have suffered from Global Head Hunt fake job offers can go through my earlier review posted on My primary and sole motive for posting reviews about Global Head Hunt is to spread awareness to ensure that in future nobody is cheated.
Please do not believe on any good review posted on Global Head Hunt. This is a ploy or tactic by Global Head Hunt. One of their own people have written a positive review to offset the earlier negative reviews posted about Global Head Hunt.
Once again, I request everybody and all concerned, please be alert and vigilant and do not entertain any calls or offers by Global Head Hunt. Kindly blacklist them.
Their contact numbers and address is as follows.
Global Head Hunt, Interface Building No. 16, 3rd Floor, Mindspace, Off. Link Road, Malad(West), Mumbai – 400 064. Mobile No.:+91-860484xxxx
Mr. Dxxxxx/Mr. Jxx Pxxxxx. Mob. No.+91-98395 3xxxx
Mr. Rxxxx Txxxxxxx. Mob. No.+91-784984xxxx
Landline No. 91 522 396x xxx
I want to take this opportunity to make all of you aware of the fake offer for job opportunity which you will receive from cheaters like Global Head Hunt, Click Jobs, New Naukri Indiajobs etc.
Do not entertain call from these cheaters and fraudsters. All cheaters like these form as a group, created payment gate way and their prime objective is only to loot money from you.
Mostly, you will receive calls from such cheaters from the north side like Lucknow, Delhi, Banglore etc. who will force you to making payments with their sweet talk. Please do not get trapped.
I have suffered from Global Head Hunts Fake Job Interview Service. I got a call from Global Head Hunt on 23rd November 2016. This call was received from+91 522 3961 666 informing me saying I am shortlisted for an opening in Sun Pharma. Initially, I made a payment of Rs. 4, 999/- and when I asked them do I have to make any payments, they replied no from. Thereafter they transferred my call to Rxxxx Txxxxxxx who completely brainwashed me to making more payments of Rs. Rs. 5, 999/-, 7, 999/-, 35, 550/-, 98, 999/- a total amount of Rs. 1, 53, 496/- by promising that with one round of interview, I would be placed in the package of 22 lakhs per annum. I completely fell into his trap.
They sent me invoices without any dates mentioned on them. Mr. Rxxxx Txxxxxxxx conducted a telephonic interview with one Mr. Nxxxxx Sxxxxx in HR from Sun Pharma. He again demanded further Rs. 2, 77, 000/- from me.
My mother and my sister sensing something wrong refrained me from making any further payments and advised me to stop dealing with Global Head Hunt and immediately speak to them for refund of my amount of Rs. 1, 53, 496/-.
Accordingly, I contacted Mr. Rxxxx Txxxxxx on his mobile no.+91784984xxxx informing him that I am not interested in the offer and requested him to refund the amount of Rs. 1, 53, 496/-.
Initially, he told me that the amount will be refunded to me between December 10-15, 2016 but no amount was refunded. Thereafter he gave me another date December 18 which again was bypassed.
I took an appointment from Mr. Jxx Pxxxxx on 29/12/2016 to visit their office at Malad on 02/01/2017. When I visited Malad Interface Building, I found out they had no office at Malad.
Thereafter as required by Global Head Hunt, I had filled up the Customer Information form and Refund form and submitted to Jxx Pxxxxx on 20/012/2016 who claimed he is a Senior Manager – HRD. He confirmed the receipt of the same on the same date.
On my personal follow up with Jxx Pxxxxx he informed that my payment is under process. Later on 20th January 2017, he informed that payment will be released on 27th January, 2017 but again no payment was made. When I enquired with him, he informed that due to financial closure, amount could not be refunded and gave me fake stories that he is dealing with it at a personal level with their Accounts Department for my refund and I need to be patient.
On 4th February 2017, one Mr. Dxxxxx at Global Head Hunt(Mob. No. 98395 3xxxx) kept telling me that Mr. Jxx Pxxxxx is in a meeting thereafter they do not pick up. His language is very rude and another person Mr. Vxxxxx has made fun of me saying my amount will be refunded in installments of Rs. 15, 300/- in 12 months along with sweet boxes.
Thereafter, I have registered a complaint with the local police station at Vile Parle(East).
I call Global Head Hunt On 6th February 2017, Rxxxx Txxxxxxx and Jxx Pxxxxx informed my payment will be released on 20/02/2017. I still have not got my payment.
These people are cheaters, gangsters, fraudsters and their sole aim is to cheat people and make money. They have cheated many people before me and now are cheating many more.
I request all of you please do not entertain any calls you will receive from Global Head Hunt.
The entire team of Global Head Hunt Jxx Pxxxxx, Rxxxx Txxxxxxx, Rxxxxx Sxxxxx, Vxxxx, Dxxxxx, Rxxx Sxxxxxx, Rxxxxxx, Rxx, Sxxxxx are fraudsters, cheaters and gangsters.
These guys are parasites without any ethics, humanity or consideration. They do not show respect to anybody concerned. Please blacklist them.
Once again, I request you all not to entertain any calls or offers from Global Head Hunt.