GlobalLogic... A big name I have spent a good time here that now I can write something for it.
Every company you work for, gives you many good and many bad things as well.. But it all depends on many factors:
1. Culture: Culture of the company is something which will let the people live into it , breathe well inside. So if I talk about GLs culture its one of the best culture I have seen. I have got so much to talk about, so I would just list the points
2. Work Environment: its great again. No restrictions as such except you need to be accountable and responsible enough to understand need of the hour. Also the best part is its Flexible Working Hours and Work From Home Option. It has made life so easy. I feel most of you would agree here.
3. Growth: Its great here, provided you work.
4. Facilities: Various to count. Before recession people used to love having all time bread butter, cold drinks availability. Which is however limited in evenings now. But still when the time is that people are loosing jobs so who looks for these available in evening time only :-)
5. Money: Its good here ... but again its not company but the recession that has made it some percentage cut globally.
6: Projects: Good and numerous. I failed to count it ;-)
7. Management: Last but not the least factor I would like to talk abut here. Its like most of the managements .. as all are from same disciplines so they are alike. The middle management is great, very supporting, has always helped people grooming, growing, learning, achieving and enjoying at the same time. Many project parties etc... but sr. management ... although I hav got a few say 2 exp with them.. and unfortunately both were bad :(
Anyhow I rate it good... advice you to join, if u get a golden opportunity as I got.