From the day on which I started browsing and surfing the net, I required an email address, therefore I started searching for a good email service and in the research, I found Gmail, which is a Google Email.
I signed up on the Gmail, it is a very nice mail service and it gives me a professional email account.
As well as I found a better email address available on my name.
After successfully signing up on my email of Gmail, I got 3 emails from Gmail Team in my
inbox which consist of the welcome mail, along with two other emails.
I started exploring the options available in the Gmail.
I found the best option of themes and in the themes real time weather season, I found this attractive and beneficial for me.
Storage is 15 Giga Byte, which is free space for emails.
I explored, compose email and the attachment process is easy and it also supports all types of the files.
My Gmail account is secured.
This is the best email service provider.