Gmail is actually wow ..yes I m talking about its feature ..
2 gb mail storage is more then enough for anybody
Cool web interface
Started with attractive marketing policy no open registration (invites system) its change.
Better spam filtration than anybody yahoo, rediff, hotmail....
Gmail direct support to sister facilities provided by Google (page, blog, orkut.....)
Gmail has plenty of tricks(hacks) to use this account as storage or player & so on
Till now I was typing about the front end ot Gmail.
Technical back end is linux and mail server (i dunno aboutt)
Back end is quit horrible! yes it is ;)
Gmail privacy sucks .
Your mailbox data is use for data mining and it can be anything they do sell your valuable information.
They actually sell non-gmail account ids to different firms according to data mining policies.
Just want to say dont use your gmail account for professional work or deeply personal things.
Only if you dont care about something call privacy!
For Accessing your mail in secure mode use this url.
the difference in regular mode account login page is secure while here your even secure while checking I mean to say encrypted :)
As Always, every coin has two sides ;)
Gmail Rating 2.5