Hello MS Viewers! In this growing world of internet, e-mail is the most used method of communication all around the world. Gmail is one the most successful e-mailing ports powered by google.
I have accounts on gmail. I use it regularly for emailing and transferring personal data to anyone.
In Googles gmail you get an option to attach files in which you can send and receive photos, videos and documents.
Its privacy options are one of the best.
You can set a display picture on your profile.
The messages or mails are end to end encrypted on gmail.
It is very easy to use email port. You can also synchronize your mobile phone with the gmail application and get your mails updated in one touch. I have my email Id named "saahielmohile9@gmail.com"
Overall gmail is a very nice email system which is very easy to use. You can sign up for free on gmail. Thumbs up for gmail!