Well, i recently planned a trip to Tirupati temple from delhi and therefor booked the tickets from Delhi- Chennai and Chennai - Delhi through Goair, as it was cheaper .My tickets were From delhi to chennai on 11th may and back on 16th.
Heres the emotional and action packed melo drama:-
Goair flies from Delhi- chennai in night ( 21:30 approx.)...i and my friend went there one hour before the scheduled departure and there we came to know that flight is one hour delayed......no probs.....we waited after taking our bording passes.....Finally when we boarded the plane it was already around 2 hrs delayed.....but as there were no families with us no problem.....even we wanted to reach chennai late as we had morning train from chennai to tirupati jn......so, finally we reached Chennai airport at around 1:45 pm...
The journey from delhi to chennai was comfortable ...the worst thing was their way of serving water ....they serve in small thermo cups( 1 rupaiye wala) and believe me u will feel ashamed if u want to drink more...hostess will come ..open the mineral water bottle infront of u and then fill ur small glass( something we do with our babies) and yeah I forgot the most funny dialouge of air hostess SIR WOULD U LIKE TO BUY SOME SNACKS......well, sounds like chana jor garam in local trains...hihihihi
Overall, my journey to chennai was ok.......my problems started while coming back...
We had flight from chennai- delhi on 16th ( 16:30)...we got a call from goair staff on 15th night that the flight is delayed by 1:30 hrs and nw it will fly at 18:10........no probs ....as we were not sure of anything and completed the hotel check out time of 24 hrs, we decided to leave the hotel and go to airport at around 16:00...we were on the way when we got another call from goair sir, our flight has been cancelled tdy and would u like refund for ur ticket amount or would like to reschedule the booking, , , , here are some of the interesting points of my chat with goair representatives:-
i requested them to book me on another airline even if I have to pay something extra...
ANSWER:- sir, we dont provide this facility as we dont have any contacts with other airlines.........
Ok, if u cant do anything then just tell me r u sure u people will fly tommorow?
ANSWER:-sir, hw can we be sure of it...hopefully we will fly
Ok, where will we stay, do u know we have to pay hotel bill for ur mistakes...u people shud arrange our stay nw
ANSWER:- sir, we r low cost airlines, we dont provide any lodging facilities, we cant do anything
Ok, what r u people here for , when u cant do anything?......Ok , then I would like to opt for refund
ANSWER:- ok sir, we will refund the money back to ur credit card and u will get it in 3 days
Suckers! I m not in my home town, I have to stay here in chennai in hotel....plz give me refund in cash , so that I can go home through any other airlines
ANSWER:- sir, this is against our policy! a payment we recieved by credit card can be refunded through same channel
and the phone got disconnected.....
By this time we were about to reach airport...as soon as we reached there, we went to goair counter......we debated a lot and almost crossed all channels during this debate( $@@##$&^^$$@@)
Goair staff called their manager , , well...he was some1 who was polite and he agreed to refund our money in cash......and I thank him a lot for his kindness ...
We went to spicejet counter and booked tickets for Delhi by paying INR 2000/- more , spicejet flight was in late night( or early morning as u like i.e 2:30), , , , we have to wait on aiport for around 10 hrs......all this time we pleged hard never to go for goair in our life again.........
Better fly with Indian airlines, kingfisher or jet....even if u have to pay extra......Ur ego will get a good beat if u fly with such low cost ones....
Better not to go air with GO air...
amit uniyal