This airlines is the biggest froud in the air, I booked a ticket for auto show (jan 2010) at rakshabhandan (august-09) by paying 3400/- in six months advance now some of my friends also wants to join me, today when I try to book another tickets in same flight on their site I shocked when I come to know that they have no service on that date/month for ahmedabad-delhi-ahmedabad.
I again checked my tickets tickets are 100% confirm I talk to their execitive on phone he informs me on the phone that due to go air sold out to other airline they cancelled all domestic flights when I ask that when they are going to inform the customers like us they told me in very rough manner that they try to contact me on my mobile it was out of coverge so their liability is complete.
When ever the customer know himself or may be informed when he reached air port and found that their is nothing like goair in the market and on that date other airlines charged just double and goairs liabbility is to refund the money which he charged at the time of booking till than they are ejoying the funds and intrest of their valued customers like us