With all the hullabaloo for the new GoAir operating from Pune now, it seems quite an irony for me to write this review even before I have boarded my first ever (and probably the last) flight on the airlines operator.
I had to travel to Chennai today for a very very important business meeting which could mean MILLIONS for my Pune regional office. Well, the meeting was impromptu and so was the reservations. After learning that the office people arranged for a Go Air flight at 6:50 in the morning, I felt ind of relieved. I read a few reviews yesterday about the airline and was already finicky about the entire affair. Well....then it happened.
I recieved a call yesterday night at 10 PM that the flight has been delayed by over 3 hours and now will take off at 10:30. I thought OK, let it be...at least I wont get up at 6 and drive all the way to the airport at that inhumane hour!
I got up in the morning, got ready, informed the Chennai office that I will be there by lunch and started off for the airport. I was just about to reach the terminal when I got a call from GoAir people that the flight has been cancelled. Aghast! I ran to the people at the counter and asked what had happened and they simply said...Sir Technical Fault hai. When asked about the fault...believe it...these people at the counter started to talk to me as if they were a bunch of Shah Rukhs and Aishwaryas and I was a mere pestering autograph taker! They refused to book me on another airlines and refused to even listen to me!!
Thats when I lost my mind and started to make a real fuss. Losing a client worth millions gives you a BILLION reasons to shout I guess. Well, my shouting and yelpings helped. They finally agreed to wither book the passengers on tomorrows flight (same time) or to refund their money completely.
I dont know...the very first impression of anything has a very important significance in my life....and I am not very sure that GoAir has done something for me to remember them for.
I really miss flying Kingfisher or Jet (even if it means going to Mumbai)...I hope tomorrow I will be able to reach Chennai and get some work done. Tomorrow morning that is and anyways...I guess it will just be another day for them...
16th May: 11:30 PM
Believe it or not folks, Go Air people called me once more and informed me that the flight sheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled because the do not have a spare seat to accomodate me! This is the final straw and the first thing that I am going to do tomorrow is that I will contact the company lawyer and file a ocmplaint in the customer tribunal. Had it been normal circumstanecs, I would have swallowed the change. However, I lost a client (I lost a meeting with MICROSOFT in Chennai!) worth quite a huge sum and I would not let these people get away with this.
i sincerely wish that none of you take a Go Air flight ever....rightly said, their services in the SERVICE industry is much below the standards set by their counterparts. And if mosquitoes and cancelled flights are what we are going to get after paying a huge amount to carry out our businesses, I would advice all of you from refraining from travelling on Go Air and the likes.
I think its time for me to re-start my Frequent Flyer program with Kingfisher.
Last but not the least, thanks a lot for the comments. It actually means that my reviews are read and that people actually trust the points.