I was one of the lucky few to get not one...but two free tickets.
Had logged in to the website one fine morning and found to my surprise that the same day 10, 000 free tickets were being offered by the Airline.
They were offering the free tickets on some of their new sectors. Just on a hunch , I choose a random date and found to my delight, tickets available at Rs. 0 only.
I had no plans to travel anywhere, but I could not resist the temptation and booked 2 return tickets for the Mumbai - Jaipur sector. And the total amount for the tickets Rs 884/- (Taxes only). That was a great bargain. I have got Rs. 500 on Air Deccan before on the Kolkata - Bhubaneswar sector, but this was unbeatable.
Regarding the actual flight. Well checkin was smooth and a pleasant surprise as there was help available for the baggage. Very personalised service, served with a smile. Flight was on time, in fact it reached before time. Aircraft was well maintained and clean, Legspace was decent.
Air Hostesses were nice and polite, though I could not understand why they had on 2-3 different types of uniform. Maybe some sort of hierarchy. Snacks were being sold on board, food was decent and reasonably priced. Pilots had a thick accent, think they were russian.
Return flight..same experience. Overall I would recommend the Airline.. Leaving apart the free tickets...:-) ...service was good.