Very Good airline as compared to the Other No frills
As one of the members said tat the Chennai Hyd flt was cancelled On monday
well I know tat even I booked a flt on the same flt But the technical snag was A real one not fake thats the big problem in india We all jump to conclusions and tats wat this guy did thinking its a crapy reason to say its a technical snag
There were 127 pax that were traveling tat day and there was a bird hit in mumbai and tat y the engine fan blades broke and the services were cancelled for 2 days
Why do people talk when they dont know anything Use your brains sumtimes I guess Go air has made a big mistake giving cheap tickets cause u have cheap low class people flying
one more thing is the Mosquitoes on board well I bet You I travveled by all airlines in the world and I bet Ive seen mosquitoes in any aircraft that lands in mumbai
Jet airways Air deccan Spicejet Kingfisher indian airlines u name it
this is december and tats why u have mosquitoes on board well when will people understand I dont know
And go I guess will do very well in india considering the No frills Decision by Mr.Jeh Wadia and I hope he does very well
And we all will Experience the Difference
The crew are very friendly and so is the ground staff better than many airlines I have flown and Very smiling and a very Clean Aircraft
they Got a very Young Fleet and hope they become better than ny airline in India
Well They Compromise in many things But SAFETY is not compromised I seen tat the other day when I had to Fly To HYd and technical snag was there well done guys keep it up.