Ive had a similarly horrific experience with Go Air and am now planning to file a lawsuit so I can get my money back!
My husbandand I had booked tickets on GoAir for 2nd Oct 2006, Cochin-Mumbai and Mumbai-Delhi.About a month after booking the tickets, we were informed that Flt G8116 (COKto MUM) was rescheduled and was only reaching Mumbai after our connectingflight (G8154 -MUM to DEL) had already departed. We spoke to a customer service agent who informed us that theywere sorry and we could cancel both flights and get a full refund. We then asked him to cancel the ticktets, which they promised to do. Two weeks later we received an sms stating that our flights were confirmed!
We called again and requested them to cancel the tickets and refund the amount, which they again promised to do and refund the amount in a week. A week later, our tickets had still not been cancelled. I finally cancelled the COK-MUM flight online on 9th Aug and again spoke to the customer service. I was repeatedly assured that our MUM to DEL flight would also be cancelled and the full amount would be refunded in a week.
Two weekslater...I decided to check the status and its the same story! I finallycancelled the 2nd ticket online and have also disputed the payment on my creditcard. I have had to apply for a new credit card and on top of the fees for a new card and all the inconvenience, Im also being charged interest!!
On the 22nd, I spoke to someone called Narayan who(yet again) told me that the reason my tickets had not been cancelled and the money hasnt been refunded, is becausethe GO AIR systems havent been updated! I’m sorry, but that really is none of my concern – your system engineers should handle that!
Today, I spoke to another customer executive who told me my money would be refunded in 7-8 days. Since I have been hearing that for the past month, I’m disinclined tobelieve her.
I also sent an email to feedback@goair.in on the 22ndof August but I haven’t received a reply yet. Their call center is completely inefficient, I have never had to deal with such pathetic service in any airline. What’s worse is that nowhere on the website do they list a phone/fax number for the corporate office. Completely unethical behaviour!
Im now in the process of sending a legal notice to Jeh Wadia and his cronies to get my money back! Please dont make the mistake of booking a tkt with Go Air ever.