Folks, I am describing below a problem I encountered while booking on a commercial airline. I want your opinions about what happened.
I recently booked for a Chennai-Mumbai flight on GoAirs website. Having entered my CC details, I clicked their T&C link to know their cancellation policy. The page opened in a new window and apart from the text, the page also contained theGoBook a Flight tool that also appears on GoAirs main page. I performed a search for the return flight. Dissatisfied with the prices, I closed the window and returned to my booking page where all my details were already filled in.
Imagine my shock when the system gave me a ticket for the return flight from Mumbai to Chennai - for which I had searched but never tried to buy!
This looks like a first-class bug to me. And a serious one too, considering that its a commercial website and accepts payments. If this is what they do with simple things like maintaining session data integrity, theres no telling how theyll handle CCs and in general confidential data.
I have called their cc number several times and written a long email - but the stock response I get is "we will get back to you soon sir." But they never do.
I have a document with screenshots and know how to reproduce this exactly -provided they havent sneakily fixed it already.
What I want to know is how to take forward my case for a refund assuming GoAir wont admit its mistake.(Being no great techie myself, Id want to know if this is indeed a flaw in their system. They use Radixx that is a well-reputed company.) Do consumer courts entertain such pleas? If I go to one, I would obviously like to sue their pants off and recover more than I spent. I have the screenshots and can share with you if you are interested.
I want to know how I can contact senior guys like Jeh/Eduardo etc to put my case across. Failing which I am planning to sue them; can anybody share information with me about how to proceed?
Meanwhile, try to avoid booking GoAir - youve been warned!