I used to have this launcher way back when I first bought my first android phone but t company decided it to ruin it with coin system and useless advertisement.
If youre a fan of minimalist design, GO Launcher EX may not be the Android launcher youre looking for. Everything about the user interface feels just a bit bigger than Android 4.2 Jelly Bean - the chiclet-shaped icons look slightly larger and more colorful, widgets pop off the screen and transition effects are flashier.
Thats not to say that the launcher looks ostentatious, however; on the contrary, GO Launcher EX strikes a nice balance between the almost cartoonish aesthetic of Samsungs TouchWiz UI and Jelly Beans decidedly understated design.
Dozens of additional themes can be downloaded and managed from the GO Themes app. Most of the themes are quite cartoonish, featuring oversize icons and wallpapers that look like they were ripped straight from DeviantArt. There are a few diamonds in the rough, however, such as the nature-themed Green GO Launcher Theme and the minimalistic Vita GO Reward Theme. Unfortunately, many of the best themes arent free - once installed, youll have to pay for them using either Google Play or GetJar Golds, a form of virtual currency. New themes can also be applied to the lock screen, although like the desktop themes youll have to for many of them.
User Interface
Functionally, GO Launcher EX uses the same layout as Android 4.2, with virtual buttons for back, home and recent apps at the bottom of the screen and the app dock directly above them. From here, however, the launcher lets you customize the desktop to your hearts content, giving you the option to increase the desktop grid size to a maximum of 10 rows and columns, or disable the status bar, dock and icon labels. You can also adjust the font and size of icons.
Go Launcher EX
The app drawer can be similarly customized. GO Launcher EX allows you to sort your apps by title, date of installation or frequency of use; create folders for apps; and hide unwanted apps. We especially appreciated this last feature, as some launchers such as Nova Launcher only offer such functionality with their paid versions.
Infinite scrolling can be enabled to allow you to cycle through your homescreens and app drawer pages without needing to change direction when you hit the last page; from the GO Launcher EX settings menu you can also adjust the speed of screen transitions and choose a screen orientation. Long-pressing apps and widgets brings up a popup menu that lets you replace, rename, delete or(in the case of widgets) resize them.
Tablet Support
Go Launcher EX
Unfortunately for tablet users, GO Launcher EX was clearly designed with phones in mind. When we tested the launcher on the Google Nexus 10, it quickly became apparent that GO Launcher EX doesnt take advantage of the tablets high-resolution display. Icons appear tiny in the app drawer, and although you can increase their size, they look distinctly fuzzy compared to the razor-sharp icons in Jelly Bean. Text in widgets looks similarly tiny, leaving large swaths of the screen empty.
The Pros
-Huge number of customizable options; Unique widgets and plugins.
-Tons of special effects
The Cons
-Annoying advertisements.
GO Launcher EX offers a huge amount of customization, themes and widgets, but youll have to pay for many of those nifty extra features.