Want to share a past few of my experiences in Goa.
I can easily admit that they are the rudest guys you will find accross india.
Not sure why they keep forgetting that they are alive and happy only because of tourists.
My last experience was the most unpleasant when I checked in to a Hotel with my friends I was approached by the hotel owner to let him know if I want a massage, when I clearly said a no to it he was advertising that it was his wife who is the masseur.
Both Owner and his wife were desperate to take money from me so the owners wife approched me midnight for a make out session when I was smoking in the terrace. when I was embarrased about this and starting walking off her husband came in and said I tried to misbehave with her wife and will call alll people and will get me arrested.
Being from a negihbouring state I was just in a trauma.
My Frnds really couldnt help me
They asked me to checkout immediately after paying 10000 Rs, We had 4000 cash at that moment with us, they took the cash and we had to run away from the hotel and get back to our home town next day.
Now I know that they realise that they are alive by cheating tourist.
Never ever want to go to that God Damn plc ever again they are cheap.