The God of Small Things make it big, but still has the small feel to it.
It was difficult reaching the first 10 pages, too slow and boring a start. But the book picks up speed, strength and quality later on. The end is unexpected, shaking you badly, but has lot of energy.
A traditional feel featured very beautifully by the author. The olden days, the people then, their morals, their values, their social and more so personal prejudice, the political atmosphere which was so much a social part of peoples lives, the struggles of the struggling, the victories of the vicious..
Communism in Kerala has been described in a way it affected peoples lives. The desire to ogle another mans wife taking form, in the man who shows he has strong Indian social values. The love of the man who knew how to love. The woman, who could never find love fulfilled. The closeness between a white, and the distance between the dark untouchable. Darkness and depression and strength and light, that almost everyone in the family goes through.
The author has tried to bring out the aftereffects of impacts on childhood. The book get predictable at times. But the story has lot of emotion and art and drama and grace and strength. The intensity and energy seems to be gaining with each passing page.
Give it a try. If you manage to go beyond the first 10 or 50 pages, it is worth the effort