When the motive of writing is purely commercial (money minded), the result is books like this. This is marketed well by the publishers, awarded by an international jury for the creative skills (only), not looking deep into the socio economical and political background that the story is dealing with. But, who is bothered about such issues?
It is true that the book gave a lot of publicity to a place called Aymanam in Kottayam, Kerala to the international audience. But, at the same time also gives a lot of skewed views on the culture and life of people in the area.
The Author joined NBA and came into limelight very quickly due to her popularity of writing the book. In a way, it is good that she also contributed the entire prize money given through Booker Prize for her activism (or popularity?).
It could be easily said that in a world governed by money, all other aspects, like ethics, values, politics or social issues, all are evaluated on the basis of economic value ..... (or moneys worth)