I have always been a admirer of alpichino`s performances
i was most impressed by his acting in scar face, and then his looks in godfather part one which incidentlly I saw only after scarface though it was produced much earlier.
before I tell u about godfather 3 I shall give u a though about godfather one where in marlyn brando is the pratagonist and alpichino is the smart young italian son of his , whos is least involved in the family business and is a army officer, who eventully due to circumstances has to land up managing his father`s empire , which as shown to us is made of the deeds of a nice villain who would not do drugs for his country.
Maro Puzo will be remembered forever for his creation of God father.
as god father one had started of as a celebration for marlyn brando`s daughter wedding similarly god father 3 also begins with a felicitation of alpachino bye the vetican , alpachino who is by now taken over his fathers legacy and made a fortune out, much bigger out of it.
now in this movie what we see is a replication of marlyn brandos attitude in alpachino he would do what his father would have done he cares most for his family, his daughter,
in the biginning we seem him dancing with his daughter as marlyn brando did with his daughter in part one.
over all it is a amazing movie where alpachino is at his best and it is a must see.
and have u heard the sound track thats even better