You start reading the book and with in no time you tend to see the characters in front of your eyes. The conviction with which the characters are described, it is very difficult to portray them even in film having length twice as much the regular film. The book is written with so much detail that you actually visit different places of Long Island as well you meet different Italian peole in your imagination. The story begins with a party thrown at the Godfathers place and there you meet different people of different origins and different reasons. The content is so much real so that you actually flow with the story and still feel like you are different person who is going through water but still is untouched by the droplets. It is similar to having a third angle in geometry or a birds eye view in the graphics. Sometimes you may even feel like you know the end but you eagarly read every other pageto see if the your perception about the story is what the Author wants to say. It also gives a nice picture of human relationships in different parts of the world mainly America and Italy but finally you come to conclusion, barring the ways of expression and language the human psychology is the same the world over. Meaning of words like reasonable are used very efficiently during the book. Overall a great journey experience.