These days most companies out source their customer service just to get rid of the customers.Till you buy the product you are a demi GOD. Once you pay the money on the next instance the company disowns them. You will be surprised to note that most of the technicians of the out sourced agency do not have the qualification and skill to repair your product. It is just like operating your heart by a butcher. I request the customers to ask few basic questions to the technicians before he undertakes the repairing work.
One can easily estimate their level of knowledge.. A godrej technician spoiled two of my PENTA COOL due to his technical stupidity. If you complain more they will not respond your call. If you persist they will say repairing is not possible any more so buy a new one. Some times these technicians will negotiate with you to purchase a new brand. By this they can get small commission from the dealer.
The technicians are as cut throat as their Masters.