My name is SIVAKUMAR.N from Doodbowli, Hyderabad. I have a 7 year old Godrej 300l single door fridge, which had developed a freezer box problem (Partially chilling) recently for which I launched a complaint on 17/05/2013 and my complaint Number was Y1705627371. The call was diverted from Toll-free customer support franchisee to 3rd party service provider franchisee.
3rd party service provider “SRUJANA ENTERPRISES” sent a technician the same day, the technician “RAJU” came and inspected my fridge and adjusted the thermostat from MAX position to NORMAL position and said; the problem will be solved, if not give me a call tomorrow and went away.
I am using fridge from last 15 years and I have at least minimum knowledge of a refrigerator, I did all these thermostat settings and only then I had opted for a service. Today is 25/05/2013 and in this one week 3 technicians had visited my home and no one could resolve my fridge problem, one said; Thermostat problem and 2nd said, chocking in the gas pipe, and 3rd said Compressor problem.
None of them checked my fridge in detail, they just came, opened the door and felt the temperature inside the freezer box and gave their report. 3rd person “SRISAILAM” was so arrogant that he don’t even know; how to talk to a customer, he was talking to me like a roadside rowdy. When he said “COMPRESSOR PROBLEM” I said; I have a working compressor in another similar refrigerator, kindly replace it, then with his high-pitch tone he proclaimed that “YOU HAVE TO BUY A NEW COMPRESSOR FORM GODREJ” you cannot use the one you have or you cannot buy it from outside yourself and that is “THE RULE OF GODREJ” and for the compressor replacement you will be charged Rs.4200 in addition to service charge of Rs.1275.
I questioned; but even the branded Compressor costs Rs.2200 outside, why are you charging Rs.4200 for your compressor? For that question, he slammed the door of my fridge and went away leaving my fridge in the middle of my kitchen. Now my Question is; what is GODREJ doing? They just manufacture their product and leave it in the market and wash their hands? Don’t they have responsibility to have a direct service team or at least monitoring team rather than depending on useless franchisees?
I have now decided not to buy any product from “GODREJ” from this experience and I would suggest others who are reading this to think twice before buying any product from GODREJ.