Godrej GMG 20E 08 SLGX is a 20 litres microwave with grill.It has power wave technology which is efficient and effective. The style and colour of microwave is pleasing. It has got perfect size and every aspect of it is soothing. The door of microwave is convenient and has got perfect handle.So overall body aspects is pretty good. It has got quick start option which gives a real quick start.
Any food stuff if you are not willing to eat because it was cooked yesterday than just placing it in this for 5 minutes will make it fresh and bring your hunger back. It provides 5 variable cooking level and enables multi-stage cooking which is very helpful.Cooking feels less evil for beginners having this microwave.One can cook plenty of dishes with it.This product has good durability and deserves recommendation.
Overall the product is satisfying and lives up to ones expectation.