Unfortunately, I had purchase two PENTACOOL (DD) The first one started giving me problem from day one. I tolerated the product with minor repair. Finally lost patience and sold it with throw a way price of Rs 1500/-
The second one started giving problem after 3/4 years. The technicians of the authorised service centres are so untrained and disastrous that ultimately you will be compelled to dump the fridge. The training given by the company is not only defective but also inadequate. These technicians can not identify the exact defect.
Their modality of service is " start replacing the components one by one till the customer becomes disappointed" And finally the technician gives his million dollar advice" Why to replace so many components? It is wise to buy a new one.
Possibly, to sell new products the Godrej Company has taught them to harass the customers. Prior to the purchase of PENTACOOL we had two ALLWYN fridge. One gave us fault free service for 27 years and the second one (it is with my sister) is still operational with out fault for 25 years. I thought GODREJ product would be of good quality but my experience has been very painful. For a working person it is punishment to run for the service station.
Prof P.K.Pattnaik
JF 11 Vani Vihar
One of my friend told me that the 2nd and 3rd quality products are sent to smaller cities by the company and the 1st grade products are sent to metro cities. If this is true then it is the best example of consumer disparity.