I am one of the hapless customers who had put faith on the reputation and competence of Godrej company to manufacture good quality refrigerators which run without any trouble, life long. I decided to purchase one . First the fan motor got burnt and then the cooling gas leaked out. On first occasion, Godrej technician replaced the fan motor and in second instance they have refilled the gas. The fridge is presently in working condition, but it?s cooling effect has substantially reduced, may be because of the difference in gas pressure between a factory filled gas and a home filled gas. Whatever may be the reason, this sort of major problems show poor quality of the equipment and inadequate quality control at manufacturing stage. I had lodged complaint to Mr.P. D. Lam, Executive Director & President and chairman of Godrej, but the company has not taken any concrete step like replacement of defective machine with a new one or appraises me about the real problem except sending one technician from their Delhi branch and sending one apology letter from their plant customer care department. As regards my machine, I am not at all hopeful of any solution as after a couple of months, the warranty period will be over and liability of company will cease. Then I have to depend only on destiny for future functioning of the machine.