I have seen the other reviews of the people on this forum and it seems that Godrejs Real GOod Chicken has not satisfied many palates. Here is my two cents on this.
Atthe outset I must mention that I am a lover of non vegetarian food ranging from Chicken to squids to beef. And I like home made chicken the best of all the chicken dishes. As such, we often bring home cut chicken and prepare at home.
Before Real Good Chicken was launched we would buy chicken from the local shop which smelled bad and had dirty chickens packed in cramped cages with bird poo all over the place. With Godrejs chicken you dont have to go through the ordeal of seeing a chicken being cut before you and you also avoid the bad atmosphere of the local chicken shop.
Secondly, since I like my chicken tender, Godrej offers real broiler chicken. You only have to see the size of the leg piece to find out how small the chicken must have been. At the local shop you get grown up chickens which take longer to cook and are never that tender. This is also proved by that fact that I have eaten semi cooked local chicken but Godrejs chicken never does that to you.
Thirdly, price wise it is pretty much the same as the local chicken.
Having sead all this, I must mention that people are apprehensive about buying frozen chicken. However, I am sure that Godrej must be breeding its chickens in a muck more hygeinic environment than the local dealers.
Lastly, one word of advice.
If you are buying Godrej chicken make sure that it is not more than 1 day old. Also make sure that you buy it from a standard grocery store(fabmall, Spencers etc). At a local store the chicken might go bad as they wont have backups for electricity and frozen chicken should never be unfrozen unless it is being cooked.
Whether you like Godrejs chicken or the local chicken it really doesnt matter. The important thing is ti enjoy what you eat. So go ahead, buy this culinary delight of a poultry item