Godrej chicken used to be good about 5-6 years back. I have bought it about three times in the last few weeks and everytime there is a medicinal kind of taste in my mouth. The third time as I continued to eat it I suddenly felt my chest feel a bit funny and my heart was beating faster. I immediately stopped and threw the chicken out.
Infact, I remember when I bought it the previous two times I had a mild sensation in my chest but I ignored it. I do not what they are injecting into these chickens but it certainly isnt good for mine or anybody elses health. however I do not think it is only with godrej, I find that even with some of the local chicken stalls their chicken tastes funny, (not all, but some of them). Someone should really investigate into this and test the meat in a lab to know what is being added in it and then sue the company.
I would, but I dont really know anyone as such.