When I first bought a pack of Real Good Chicken, I was pretty much impressed with the packaging.
But I think day by day the quality of Real Good Chicken is detiorating . to the extent that I have almost stopped eating chicken from few months.
Although its beats the regular chicken vendors by providing the chicken in various portions like kheema, legs, lollipops, but somehow I feel the chicken is some what stale.
Even though, you can see the packaging date as the latest one, but when we cook the chicken, it loses all the taste of that of a freshly cut chicken.
I think the only option one can go for is the Kheema.
Any ideas on how exactly the expired packets are being handled? Do the shop keepers have to dispose them, or the Godrej guys come in and pick it up for disposal? Or are the really so-called "to be disposed chicken" are again packed with the new dates? Just wondering, since of late, I have found the chicken to be very very stale even though I purchased the pack of the date similar to the current date.
Its better to go to the local chicken vendors and buy freshly cut chicken. Atleast, we can see it in front our eyes, that the chicken is being cut and provided to us. I am not sure whether the packed chicken is really that fresh as they claim.