We went to see the movie as the trailer shown was very interesting.. were we in for a surprise. the movie starts off showing a happy family of 3, mum saying we should move, and next day their son dies in an accident. next scene is the graveyard, grieving parents approached by a scientist who says he can clone the son, but they will have to loose all contact with their existing friends/families as cloning is illegal & if someone finds out, theyll all be behind bars, and the new clone would be taken away.
At first the father says no... its unnatural, immoral, yadi yada... the mom says of course yes, I just want to hold him once more... see his laugh, etc... slowly, the father agrees. they go for it, relocate, gets artificially inseminated & gives birth to the cloned Adam.. who grows up to look exactly the same, behave the same, yet is a different person... and theyre all very happy... except once they get past the age that the original Adam had died, theyre in unknown territory..
... the movie turns from a sci-fy to a horror film... either that, or I grossly misunderstood the plot... Adam starts having bloody nightmares, rather scary... and the audience feels that they must be living in a haunted house... or, Adam might be remembering that he died... scary shots of dead kids scaring Adam are shown (I actually shreaked & jumped off my seat even though I was watching those scenes from under my hands...) after a whole lot of those, and a bully kid dying (the clone killed him), the father goes looking for a boy that Adam refers to as living in my dreams - Zachery Clark....
Father finds out Zachery had killed his mom & then burnt the house after burning down his school... at the same time, Adam is about to kill him mom... And, he finds out (wait for it.... climax:) that Zacherys father is the scientist!! if the kids behaviour change isnt illogical enough (how come the kid was OK till the original Adams dying age & then his behaviour changes all of a sudden!!) , the father goes to the Doc/Scientist who carried out the procedure... not to his wife, which is what any sensible man would do.. u know, to save her from their crazy clone son... nope, he goes to the Doc, makes him angry... and the Doc smacks him out...
We dont know yet if the father is dead or not.. he looks dead, but we find out later that hes not... in the meanwhile, on the other side, back at home, things keep moving & the mom follows Adam into an old iron-something place where he is ready to kill her... and (just to make it cheesy) the father comes just in time to stop the kid from killing his mom...
Next scene is 6 months later, the scientist is looking at newspaper articles urging ppl to keep on the lookout for this Scientist guy... and hes marking the deaths columns for dead kids whose parents would let him do the experiment again... back to the family, they move to a new place, and the kid is still sometimes Zachery, sometimes Adam... a couple of freaky scenes again, and we come to the end... thankfully, not really a conclusion to the movie, but wondering if they gonna kill the kid b4 he kills someone else or how they gonna fix it & how they gonna stop the grieving father/Scientist from doing it all over again...
Oh, if you havent guessed it, the Scientist just wanted to see his son again, so he mixed some of Zacherys cloning genes with Adams... they dont explain how come Adam stays Adam till the age he originally died & then suddenly changes into Zachery instead of the other way round, or being both at the same time... if you get that bit, lemme know... :) overall, its a new kinda plot with cloning... but they make it soo spooky that it goes out of the Sci-fy plot... spooky scenes are kinda similar to ones from The Ring, etc... and if id known anyone whose seen the movie, I wouldnt have gone... in other words, avoid it unless you are watching it for free... not worth the money!!