Godzilla vs. Kong is a Hollywood movie and is an action movie which is created by graphics and design. This movie has been directed by Adam Wingard. This movie can be seen by 14+. I saw this in the last scene they both fight with Robot Godzilla and I personally felt that this scene tells that "this movie is upon us and we will be there". I felt in some places that the actions were good like- The fight between them in the ship, and the last seen where there is a fight between Kong and a robot Godzilla. This movie consists of 15 soundtracks and were awesome I liked it with Dolby Atmos sound. When I saw the trailer for the first time I was having a craziness within me to see and after watching this movie I liked it very much.
Let us go to the summary of the movie. There was a scientist who wants to make a Robot Godzilla which should have all types of power to fight with. Then Kong was kept in an environment where he will feel like he is in the wildlife. But in between Kong arrives and destroys by his power which ever comes behind him. After that government gives permission to take Kong on the ship to Godzilla to fight and kill him. But after fighting Kong loses. Then Kong is taken to a place where he finds an axe which has power with electrified. Then Kong becomes powerful and there is fight between them . Here comes Robot Godzilla which comes and fight with them and lastly Kong cooperates with Godzilla and destroys the Robot Godzilla.