Hello Guys/Gurls,
SMSing via internet has become one of the most vital things here in town.
I came across such an interesting site.
Its calledIBIBO".
When compared to
IBIBO is different in many ways.
It doesnt have much ads in it.
It provides 120 characters whereas the other 2(Way2sms/Youmint/Indyarocks).
Those three domains provide 79 chars only &
Have a lots of ads & popups to bug you with.
IBIBO is the real deal loaded with lots of goodies to entertain you with.
Like orkut, It also has many features but I dont think people will prefer to use it when orkut(The King of social networking) is around.
Just check IBIBO out and youll know what it is?
Who knows,
may be you might be the next person to host a review on it. )
Typos to be xcused.
See ya for now,