This review of mine is my memoir of my child days favourate cold spot.
I stilll had a lotz of my kiddo days memories wid this gr8 drink.*.
sum down memory lane memories>>>>>>
*gold spot was ours favourate drink apart from frooti from the same parle group. The great 250 ml(i think it was not 300 ml) orange drink which essentially attracts us children towards itself.even our parents especially mother prefers this drink to us than hard thums up .,
Its television advertisement was allurring.wid tag line the zing thing. Iremember my brothers collectionof jungle book .which he had got in exchange of sum 25-35 crowns(i realized only in my management course that parle were smart in such branding initiatives very early).
As a kids we eagerly waited for our summer vacations .so that we can see our cousins n other brothers n sisters gettogether @ our stilll invigorates n thrillls me to remember those glorious kiddo days.
how we kids used to make noise hours.n disturb alll @ our homes.especially my grandfather n grandmaa).who in order to get relief from our naughty talks every time promises us to took us on evening walk an on the way we every day get out favourate frooti n gold spot.
such is my memoir of my kiddo days from 1991-93.
as latter sudden of all we did not get our favourate gold spot.not because we were growing.or we guys sorry we kids dd not again got together.
but coz.sudden of alll it became non available.mostly became non available from 1994 apparently.
we kids were very much habitual of this drink.the jungle book characters r stilll fresh .
the book was still in my room upto 1998-99 but latter got misplaced(i really miss that
*sum facts about gold spot>>>>>>>>
-it was basically launched in 1977 around by parle .to cater the space left after the exit of coke from india
-it was positioned in place of cokes fanta
-was introduced by parle along wid thums up-in place of coke, gold spot -in place of fanta n limca as a new(back then) cold drink
-was a compulsury available drink in social ocassions along wid campa cola, limca n thums up:)
-was massivelly liked by women due to its moderate was not so strong like thums up.
-its advertisement was damn cool
-see the old advertisement in print.
-latter in 1993 wen coke brought parle soft drink entity in order to promote own brand despite earlier assurance of not killing parles brand coke had killed it to position fanta.latter mirinda by pepsi created stirr endorsed by amitabh bachhan in latter although maaza was continued to take on frooti:(
-gold spot is clearly a case of lack of poor brand management n foresightedness by MNCs to promote own brand only.another example is rajdoot brand.which also was killed by yamaha despite having gr8 brand equity(see once it was a gr8 brand by esorts that lord swarajmpaul too was keen to acquire whole esorts group is not as it used to be)
-nowdays chauhans think that giving cold drink entity was a mistake as they are now complaining many biasness by mncs like poor management of limca book of records etc.
*my memory .
I stilll misses this drink.may be fanta resembles it.but putting a gulp in mouth under tongue was reallly sensational was apt true to its name the zing thing:)
I wish I cud get a bottle now.
despite of knowing it had long gone out.
may be I only get my lost jungle book so that to remember my attachment wid this drink.
now we yesteryears kids are grown up.
yet we sip frooti n remember our frooti companion gold spot .
it was my tribute to this long gone drink .still fresh in my memory lane
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