Had heard a lot about GP, from frenz as well as from MS.com...
Took my wife this saturday night for dinner to GP and surprisingly, the waiting period was just 5mins. For those who have to wait, there are quite a number of chairs outside to sit (and if im not wrong, swings (jhullas) for kids too! We got a table on the 1st floor. Contrary to what someone wrote on MS, the lightning wasnt dim at all.
There was a mix of families and men in there, but the overall mood of the place was good (not romantic by any standards).
We ordered Fresh lime, masala papad and Paneer in some sauce (4got the name). I must say the dish was too yummy. As we werent too hungry, we right away ordered the main course (a chicken dish)
For the three of us (my wifes sis) the bill was 460, which I think was slightly on the higher side (we didnt order much as we werent too hungry). For a family of four, 600 is what one should keep in mind, w/o alcohol that is...
The owners were quite good and helpful but again contary to what I read on MS, the serving time was quite high.
Overall, a tasty dinner, found a good new place. Worth a visit.