I wanted tio visit Murud Janjira for a weekend and thus serched for resorts on internet. I found two Prakruti and Golden Swan Resorts. I picked up Golden Swan as I found some good reviews about it.
We reached after a four hour drive from Thane. The road was good till we wwere on Goa Highway but after that the condition was not upto the mark till we reached the resort. The venue is great and next to beach with villas. You can see from the verandah and have a good time sipping cup of tea in teh evening. Place is pretty well maintained as far as rooms and outside areas are concerned.
The flip side is that the restaurant is pathetic and gives you a look of an average Non AC Udipi restaurant. Food quality is pathetic and if you land up late for any meals then be sure of stockout. We reached for breakfast at 9.45 am and almost everything was over. Had to be satisfied with a bread and omelette plus an odd idli after waiting for half an hour. The Manager is busy counting the persons and their room numbers rather than making things available
Finally a cost of 10k inclusive of food for one night was exhorbidant for such a place. Surprisingly the resort was full which shows that people today want to spend money whether they get value for the same or not.Last but not the least the pace has no bar licence so those who want to enjoy a beer or a peg have to fetch for themselves. Resort facilitates the room deliivery for the same through their men from outside for a tip.