Gold Flake and many other ITC products seem to have dropped in their quality of tobacco. What used to be flakes of golden, sweet-smelling wetdreams of the addicted smoker now has turned into a powdery reject or unsmokable wastage.
This, I have noticed, has happened in the past one week. Wonder why? Has India decided to force smokersinto quitting? Or has the competition gotten a sneaky hand into their factories in Bangalore ansd Calcutta? Or are they increasing demand \for a new brand that they intenbd to launch?
These questions I ponder while I look at the packet of my favourite cigarettes, now filled with horribly bad tasting cancer sticks.
My colleagues and friends have had the same problem with Wills but Classic however doesnt seem to have suffered these consequences so I have switched temporarily. But how I wish I could return to my favourite cigis.
Comments anyone?