Hi friends have a good day, so lets go to point I am smoking last three n half years, my smoke starts with goldflake(kings)
so friends in 2014 the king cigarette is very smooth and so good in flavour, smooth honey dew flavour I like so much
so I continued this brand till 2016, so friends you can ask me this question why you stopped this brand. so friends I ll tell the answer friends till 2016 on wards the brand gold flake is not good, why means in cigarette they are mixing wood powder with tobacco, really its truth because the cigarette smells like some wooden burn smell I really experience this situation till one year on wards, so I stopped this brand and I started milds, so friends be carefull guys this brand kings
doing so wrong this not good for health so please avoid this brand cigarette or stop smoking also good decision but
dont smoke this type of faulty product gold flake kings thank you.