Recently there have been lot of apprehensions about Gold Quest or Quest Net regarding various issues.. If you look at those apprehensions they are quite shocking. But if you use your brains or use you simple logic... you will find answer to yourself...
Some idiots say that this is illegal..
You ask yourself , if a customer is paying directly to company and company ships product directly to customer with a invoice and customs paid slip, and person who referred gets some amount instead of that amount being paid to distributors, retailsers and advertisement agency... You said something about being illegal... You idiots preffered being get fooled by those people who advertise, promote but this sounds illegal to you huh.......
Same set of people say that this is a pyramid sceheme.... ( Illegal)
You know what... All the govt. , companies are based on pyramid structure... but legal... Find the difference between legal and illegal pyramid structure....
Legal Structure: Where money or service flows from bottom to top and in lieu services or incentives are paid back from top to bottom....
Illegal Structure : Where there is no flow of money from top to bottom... Only one way pay out is there....
Use your brains.... it is as simple as that....
You know what all comapnies structure and govt. are based on pyramid... For people working in IT ... what do u do ???
You slog yourself for 10-12 hours helping company making billions of dollars and what does company pays you out .... few thousands.... what is happening there???
Sounds Illegal Pyramid structure huh.....
Banned in Srilanka, Iran , Nepal , So should be banned everythwere else.....
Absoulutely right... Just concentrate on the countries which have banned this programme...
Srilanka. - best govt. ever. how can govt. which is in deep crisis take such a decision. They are not able to get out of there political instability.....
Iran - Oh my god.... this country runs the whole world ... right... They are not open to new ideas... Go to Iran and walk on streets with adidas or reebok shoes... u will be put in jail.... So that makes adidad or reebok also ILLEGAL huh.... Use ur brains....
Nepal - The king there got into power how.... everytbody knows that.......So again use ur brains...
Do I need to say more....
Well let me know... Will keep you guys posted..
God has given your brains... Use in right directions, dont get fooled by somebodys else blogs or comments.....